O240657 B/E Aerospace | MIQ 1040097 and 1040098 series
- Aircraft Type |
- Seat Manufacturer | B/E Aerospace
- Seat Model | MIQ 1040097 and 1040098 series
- Seat Type |
- Seat Condition |
- Seat Layout |
- Seat TSO |
- Year of Manufacturing |
- Connectivity |
- HIC compliant |
Review pending
- Recline |
- Comfort |
- Available Shipsets | 11
- Passenger Places | 12
- Total PAX | 132
- Lead Time | 14 days
Request for quote at:
aviationscouts GmbH
Wendenstr. 40
96215 Lichtenfels, Germany
Phone: + 49 (0)9571 947 907 0
E-Mail: sales@aviationscouts.com